
A Pupdate on Meadow...

I know that some of you don't view dogs as fur-kids the way I do, so I won't take any offense if you skip this post.  :-)

Now, on the the pupdate...

We're hanging in.  We've spoken to multiple vets at my regular practice and at the emergency practice.  Everyone is quite confident that we can get Meadow to heal using non-surgical means.  HURRAY!

Our biggest hurdle is pain management.  She is now on a sedative, two pain relievers, a stomach acid reducer (pain pills are NOT easy on the tummy) and an anti-inflammatory.  Because she's so uncomfortable, we aren't sleeping and she refuses to be put down.  To say that my arms hurt from carrying her 24/7 is an understatement.

This morning I did crate her so I could start some laundry.  She immediately started yanking on the bars and got both her upper and lower jaws stuck in the bars.  I got her out in a matter of seconds - but she has a bump on her muzzle and upper right lip.  I feel like a horrible mom...

Despite all of this - she does seem to be healing.  We're now up to 3-4 steps before she crosses her back legs and the ataxia takes over.  PROGRESS!

While she heals, I'm accepting all offers of chocolate, coffee and wine.  Not necessarily in that order.  :-)

I know that some of you don't view dogs as fur-kids the way I do, so I won't take any offense if you skip this post.  :-)

Now, on the the pupdate...

We're hanging in.  We've spoken to multiple vets at my regular practice and at the emergency practice.  Everyone is quite confident that we can get Meadow to heal using non-surgical means.  HURRAY!

Our biggest hurdle is pain management.  She is now on a sedative, two pain relievers, a stomach acid reducer (pain pills are NOT easy on the tummy) and an anti-inflammatory.  Because she's so uncomfortable, we aren't sleeping and she refuses to be put down.  To say that my arms hurt from carrying her 24/7 is an understatement.

This morning I did crate her so I could start some laundry.  She immediately started yanking on the bars and got both her upper and lower jaws stuck in the bars.  I got her out in a matter of seconds - but she has a bump on her muzzle and upper right lip.  I feel like a horrible mom...

Despite all of this - she does seem to be healing.  We're now up to 3-4 steps before she crosses her back legs and the ataxia takes over.  PROGRESS!

While she heals, I'm accepting all offers of chocolate, coffee and wine.  Not necessarily in that order.  :-)

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