
Going Under The Knife

You got it; I need surgery.  Between pain level, doctors appointments and lab tests - I was out of work all last week.  Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday just after noon time.

On one hand - I'm NERVOUS!! I've never had to have surgery before. I've been a very lucky girl who, despite some serious asthma issues, had never had other problems.  No stiches (except when I got my wisdom teeth out), no admissions to the hospital, no major broken bones (only little ones..heeheehee).

On the other hand - I can't wait for surgery! I'm in pain, and would love to feel human again.

Many thanks to those of you who have emailed, tweeted, IM'd or otherwise checked in on me.  You are all so sweet!  Fingers crossed, the surgery is done laproscopically.  It will start that way - but I've been warned that there are a few reasons why I might have to get cut open the "old way".

In the meantime, have you entered my CSN giveaway yet?  You still have PLENTY of time!

You got it; I need surgery.  Between pain level, doctors appointments and lab tests - I was out of work all last week.  Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday just after noon time.

On one hand - I'm NERVOUS!! I've never had to have surgery before. I've been a very lucky girl who, despite some serious asthma issues, had never had other problems.  No stiches (except when I got my wisdom teeth out), no admissions to the hospital, no major broken bones (only little ones..heeheehee).

On the other hand - I can't wait for surgery! I'm in pain, and would love to feel human again.

Many thanks to those of you who have emailed, tweeted, IM'd or otherwise checked in on me.  You are all so sweet!  Fingers crossed, the surgery is done laproscopically.  It will start that way - but I've been warned that there are a few reasons why I might have to get cut open the "old way".

In the meantime, have you entered my CSN giveaway yet?  You still have PLENTY of time!

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