It has been such a fun weekend. :-) Between the fan-freaking-tabulous linky party that Mrs. Monologues and Fabulous But Evil threw on Friday to today's moviefest...I'm a happy girl.
Don't mind me, but I'm hauling out the bullet points!
How was your weekend?
- I think that Blogger is going to disown me if I follow any more blogs. I blame the aforementioned linky party! It's a good problem to have, and give a huge "hiiiii girls" to all my new followers.
- I'm almost 100% sure that I'll be opening an Etsy shop to get my knitting and quilting projects out there for peeps to purchase. Anybody have any good name ideas?!?!
- Saturday was girl's night. Seafood, drinks, music, drinks, oceanside, drinks. Did I mention drinks?!?! Really, we had sooo much fun. I wish we all got to see each other more often.
- Which brings me to two questions. Or maybe two series of questions. 1 - When did plaid make such a comeback? Half the people on the dancefloor (ie. the men) were wearing plaid. Did I miss the memo? 2 - Why did one of these plaid clad men feel the need to stand with his back to where my friend was sitting (ie. his butt next to her head) and fart? Multiple times!! Does he not have manners? Does he not realize that the friend he passed gas next to is the one who would freak out at him? (She didn't..but it came close!)
- One of my besties announced on Friday that she and her hubby are having a GIRL!!!! This is babe number two for their family, and I'm so thrilled for them!
- I spent most of Sunday on the couch watching movies with my pups. After a late night, spending a rainy day on the couch was fabulous!
- The itch to get a new tattoo is coming on. And I think I know what I want to get... a line drawing of Picasso's dachshund, Lump.
Don't mind me, but I'm hauling out the bullet points!
- I think that Blogger is going to disown me if I follow any more blogs. I blame the aforementioned linky party! It's a good problem to have, and give a huge "hiiiii girls" to all my new followers.
- I'm almost 100% sure that I'll be opening an Etsy shop to get my knitting and quilting projects out there for peeps to purchase. Anybody have any good name ideas?!?!
- Saturday was girl's night. Seafood, drinks, music, drinks, oceanside, drinks. Did I mention drinks?!?! Really, we had sooo much fun. I wish we all got to see each other more often.
- Which brings me to two questions. Or maybe two series of questions. 1 - When did plaid make such a comeback? Half the people on the dancefloor (ie. the men) were wearing plaid. Did I miss the memo? 2 - Why did one of these plaid clad men feel the need to stand with his back to where my friend was sitting (ie. his butt next to her head) and fart? Multiple times!! Does he not have manners? Does he not realize that the friend he passed gas next to is the one who would freak out at him? (She didn't..but it came close!)
- One of my besties announced on Friday that she and her hubby are having a GIRL!!!! This is babe number two for their family, and I'm so thrilled for them!
- I spent most of Sunday on the couch watching movies with my pups. After a late night, spending a rainy day on the couch was fabulous!
- The itch to get a new tattoo is coming on. And I think I know what I want to get... a line drawing of Picasso's dachshund, Lump.
How was your weekend?
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