
All That, And I Missed Christmas?!?!

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I hope Santa was generous and brought you everything you wished for.

My Christmas?  Well, let's say that it didn't go as planned.

Christmas morning, I showed up at my parent's house for presents.  Just as we were ripping into our stocking stuffers - Carmella decided to rip into Meadow's head.  Literally.  They are both alphas; so a tussle now and then isn't usually a big deal.

However...this time, I could see Meadow's skull, and it was time to make an emergency trip to the vet's.  Don't worry - my poor little pumpkin is fine.  She was heavily sedated, got stitched up and is now the height of canine fashion in her e-collar.

I was amazed (unpleasantly) by the amount of people that poured into the vet's office on Christmas Day.  We saw pups that had eaten chocolate; pups that ate poinsettia leaves; a cat that ate tinfoil; a dog that escaped and got stuck on a fence trying to return itself home. 

But what broke my heart was a little 7 month old border collie pup.  She got hit by a car and had her leg break clear in half.  Despite that, the sweet little thing was awake, alert and wagging her tail.  What happened next had me really upset.  The pup-daddy was the one that came in, got the consult and saw the vet's estimate.  I watched (and overheard; it just couldn't be helped) as he called the pup-momma and let her know how much it would be to operate to fix the sweetheart.  Pup-momma declared that she didn't a dog that was going to possibly limp all its life and ordered that pup-daddy have the dog put to sleep.  I anxiously observed as he fought to get his pup fixed.  I kept my eyes open as his wife again declared that he should "say goodbye" to his puppy.  And he did it.  He freaking did it.  He told the veterinarian to put that innocent, sweet, fixable puppy to sleep.

I wish I had the money and the guts to ask that man to give me his dog.  That I'd have her fixed.  My heart broke a little for that dog.  My heart broke a little that I couldn't jump in and help her.

I'll admit it.  I cried like a baby for a few minutes.

To keep an eye on a very drugged up Meadow, I had to skip the family dinner. Presents got sent home for me and I have been able to open my gifts from the people that I love and that love me.  Santa (aka my mom) was very generous and I got a Kindle!!  I can't wait to start playing with it.  Seeing as it's supposed to snow between 12-20 inches starting tomorrow, my Kindle should keep me good and entertained between trips outside to shovel.

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I hope Santa was generous and brought you everything you wished for.

My Christmas?  Well, let's say that it didn't go as planned.

Christmas morning, I showed up at my parent's house for presents.  Just as we were ripping into our stocking stuffers - Carmella decided to rip into Meadow's head.  Literally.  They are both alphas; so a tussle now and then isn't usually a big deal.

However...this time, I could see Meadow's skull, and it was time to make an emergency trip to the vet's.  Don't worry - my poor little pumpkin is fine.  She was heavily sedated, got stitched up and is now the height of canine fashion in her e-collar.

I was amazed (unpleasantly) by the amount of people that poured into the vet's office on Christmas Day.  We saw pups that had eaten chocolate; pups that ate poinsettia leaves; a cat that ate tinfoil; a dog that escaped and got stuck on a fence trying to return itself home. 

But what broke my heart was a little 7 month old border collie pup.  She got hit by a car and had her leg break clear in half.  Despite that, the sweet little thing was awake, alert and wagging her tail.  What happened next had me really upset.  The pup-daddy was the one that came in, got the consult and saw the vet's estimate.  I watched (and overheard; it just couldn't be helped) as he called the pup-momma and let her know how much it would be to operate to fix the sweetheart.  Pup-momma declared that she didn't a dog that was going to possibly limp all its life and ordered that pup-daddy have the dog put to sleep.  I anxiously observed as he fought to get his pup fixed.  I kept my eyes open as his wife again declared that he should "say goodbye" to his puppy.  And he did it.  He freaking did it.  He told the veterinarian to put that innocent, sweet, fixable puppy to sleep.

I wish I had the money and the guts to ask that man to give me his dog.  That I'd have her fixed.  My heart broke a little for that dog.  My heart broke a little that I couldn't jump in and help her.

I'll admit it.  I cried like a baby for a few minutes.

To keep an eye on a very drugged up Meadow, I had to skip the family dinner. Presents got sent home for me and I have been able to open my gifts from the people that I love and that love me.  Santa (aka my mom) was very generous and I got a Kindle!!  I can't wait to start playing with it.  Seeing as it's supposed to snow between 12-20 inches starting tomorrow, my Kindle should keep me good and entertained between trips outside to shovel.

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