
Photo Shoot Outtakes

Yeesh, it's hard getting Meadow and Beckett to hold still together for pictures. I get one sitting, and the other one wants to head for the hills. What am I complaining about?  I'm sure it's 10 times harder with kids!!

At least they gave me a few cute shots as outtakes.  :-)

Uh, 'scuze me mom...this would be a good picture if the date wasn't printed across my face.

 Meadow looks like a dork with the date across her face.  You funny, mom!

Make the flashy thing stop.  Isn't funny anymore, mom.

I don't waaaant to be on the Christmas card either.  Go away!

I did get some good shots and am happy with my Christmas card.  If you want to me on my Christmas card list this year, email me!

Yeesh, it's hard getting Meadow and Beckett to hold still together for pictures. I get one sitting, and the other one wants to head for the hills. What am I complaining about?  I'm sure it's 10 times harder with kids!!

At least they gave me a few cute shots as outtakes.  :-)

Uh, 'scuze me mom...this would be a good picture if the date wasn't printed across my face.

 Meadow looks like a dork with the date across her face.  You funny, mom!

Make the flashy thing stop.  Isn't funny anymore, mom.

I don't waaaant to be on the Christmas card either.  Go away!

I did get some good shots and am happy with my Christmas card.  If you want to me on my Christmas card list this year, email me!

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