
Acland Street Sunday Outing Part II

Acland Street

Two Sundays ago, we enjoyed Melbourne's first properly warm and sunny spring day. Yay!  So, like the rest of Melbourne, we thought it might be a good idea to drive down to Acland street and enjoy the sunshine.

Just like this little fella... how cute is he?!


We started off at Leroy Espresso for lunch.  Usually there's a long wait, but because of the traffic we only got there around 2:30 and were able to get a table straight away. Woo-hoo!

Leroy Espresso
191 Acland St
St Kilda
VIC 3182
(03) 9525-5166

Left: Iced Mocha - $4, Right: Iced Coffee - $4
Sandra ordered her usual - beef burger with egg and bacon, no salad.
Beef burger and chips

I ordered a lamb wrap, which was massive!
Lamb wrap with tzatziki
I seriously found a whole tomato in there, haha.  Apart from the tomato, it was full of tender and juicy grilled lamb, loads of onions and salad, olives and a big lob of tzatziki.  The wrap bread itself was thin and crunchy, and soaked up all the sauce deliciously.

Su ordered a spicy chicken wrap, which, as you can see was also massive, with half an avocado plonked on top and heaps of salad.  Again very filling, but super tasty.  There are some other cafes and restaurants around town, that trade on their massive portions but have no regard for taste or freshness.  Leroy, on the other hand, makes fab food in big quantities.  Win!
Cajun Chicken Wrap
I forgot to make note of the prices, but from memory the burger and wraps were about $15 each.

Leroy Espresso on Urbanspoon

After a spot of shopping, we stopped at my favourite Acland street cake shop, Europa.  They make the best cheesecake in town!  And powidl-filled Polish donuts, if you are into that sort of thing.  (I can see no earthly reason why you wouldn't be!)

Europa Cake Shop
81 Acland Street
St Kilda
Vic 3182

Sooo much cake...

Different cheesecakes, cakes, and slices

Pretty meringues!

Blackforest Cake, brandy snaps, fab plain cheesecake below

Best. Cheesecake. Ever.

With that huge lunch, there was no room for donuts, coffees or cake.  We just bought one slice of cheesecake to bring home.  Marvel at my restraint, peoples!

Acland Street

Two Sundays ago, we enjoyed Melbourne's first properly warm and sunny spring day. Yay!  So, like the rest of Melbourne, we thought it might be a good idea to drive down to Acland street and enjoy the sunshine.

Just like this little fella... how cute is he?!


We started off at Leroy Espresso for lunch.  Usually there's a long wait, but because of the traffic we only got there around 2:30 and were able to get a table straight away. Woo-hoo!

Leroy Espresso
191 Acland St
St Kilda
VIC 3182
(03) 9525-5166

Left: Iced Mocha - $4, Right: Iced Coffee - $4
Sandra ordered her usual - beef burger with egg and bacon, no salad.
Beef burger and chips

I ordered a lamb wrap, which was massive!
Lamb wrap with tzatziki
I seriously found a whole tomato in there, haha.  Apart from the tomato, it was full of tender and juicy grilled lamb, loads of onions and salad, olives and a big lob of tzatziki.  The wrap bread itself was thin and crunchy, and soaked up all the sauce deliciously.

Su ordered a spicy chicken wrap, which, as you can see was also massive, with half an avocado plonked on top and heaps of salad.  Again very filling, but super tasty.  There are some other cafes and restaurants around town, that trade on their massive portions but have no regard for taste or freshness.  Leroy, on the other hand, makes fab food in big quantities.  Win!
Cajun Chicken Wrap
I forgot to make note of the prices, but from memory the burger and wraps were about $15 each.

Leroy Espresso on Urbanspoon

After a spot of shopping, we stopped at my favourite Acland street cake shop, Europa.  They make the best cheesecake in town!  And powidl-filled Polish donuts, if you are into that sort of thing.  (I can see no earthly reason why you wouldn't be!)

Europa Cake Shop
81 Acland Street
St Kilda
Vic 3182

Sooo much cake...

Different cheesecakes, cakes, and slices

Pretty meringues!

Blackforest Cake, brandy snaps, fab plain cheesecake below

Best. Cheesecake. Ever.

With that huge lunch, there was no room for donuts, coffees or cake.  We just bought one slice of cheesecake to bring home.  Marvel at my restraint, peoples!

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