
Is It Too Early For Christmas Cards?

I loooove Christmas!  Adore it!  (I will admit that one of my pet peeves is Christmas music before Thanksgiving, though.)  I'm starting after Halloween, I start keeping a little countdown to Christmas.  :-)

Now that I won Casey's Snapfish giveaway - HURRAY - I'm starting to contemplate my Christmas cards.  It's not to early for that, right?!?!

Here are a few that I'm just loving...

I loooove Christmas!  Adore it!  (I will admit that one of my pet peeves is Christmas music before Thanksgiving, though.)  I'm starting after Halloween, I start keeping a little countdown to Christmas.  :-)

Now that I won Casey's Snapfish giveaway - HURRAY - I'm starting to contemplate my Christmas cards.  It's not to early for that, right?!?!

Here are a few that I'm just loving...

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