
Skating Fridays

Skating idol

I am off this week to spend time with my family, so I don't have any specific skating updates. I thought it would be fun to tell you who my skating idol is. He is an Olympic silver medalist (should have gotten Gold in my opinion) and toured with Stars on Ice for many seasons.

Who is he? Why, none other than Paul Wylie, of course.

When I was in middle school and high school, I used to pretend that I was married to him. Some of my friends would jokingly call me "Mrs. Wylie" and I would get all giddy. Paul had beautiful choreography, and he skated with a lot of passion. His artistry was second to none, and his footwork was always mesmerizing (have you seen the footwork wars with him, Scott Hamilton and Kurt Browning? If not, look for it on YouTube - it's from Stars on Ice). I especially loved his Schindler's List and Apollo 13 programs.

I even joined the official Paul Wylie fan club before the days of the internet. The club president would photocopy articles that were written about Paul and send them to each of us. Sadly, I still haven't met him, but I hope to one day.

Paul remains an inspiration to me, as I hope to continue to skate as I get older and am done with tests and competitions. I want to remain involved in the sport, just as he has.

And maybe one day I will earn a silver medal in a large competition too...

Skating idol

I am off this week to spend time with my family, so I don't have any specific skating updates. I thought it would be fun to tell you who my skating idol is. He is an Olympic silver medalist (should have gotten Gold in my opinion) and toured with Stars on Ice for many seasons.

Who is he? Why, none other than Paul Wylie, of course.

When I was in middle school and high school, I used to pretend that I was married to him. Some of my friends would jokingly call me "Mrs. Wylie" and I would get all giddy. Paul had beautiful choreography, and he skated with a lot of passion. His artistry was second to none, and his footwork was always mesmerizing (have you seen the footwork wars with him, Scott Hamilton and Kurt Browning? If not, look for it on YouTube - it's from Stars on Ice). I especially loved his Schindler's List and Apollo 13 programs.

I even joined the official Paul Wylie fan club before the days of the internet. The club president would photocopy articles that were written about Paul and send them to each of us. Sadly, I still haven't met him, but I hope to one day.

Paul remains an inspiration to me, as I hope to continue to skate as I get older and am done with tests and competitions. I want to remain involved in the sport, just as he has.

And maybe one day I will earn a silver medal in a large competition too...


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