


My asthma has hit me hard this summer....

I was a preemie, so I've always had slightly under-developed lungs, but I didn't officially get diagnosed with asthma until I was 12. 

Really - I'm lucky!  With some hard work and really good drugs, I've been able to control it for the most part.  Knock on wood, no trips to the ER for an asthma attack in almost a decade.  But, the heat and humidity have made life really difficult this summer.  Wheezing abounds almost as soon as I leave an air conditioned environment.  Which, frankly, sucks!!  It's awfully hard to go out and "play" if you are limited to only indoor activities that are fairly sedate.

Because of this - I've come to realize that most people really don't understand asthma. I have a fabulous pulmonologist who put my asthma in perspective for my mom shortly after I was diagnosed.  For me - I good day is like breathing through a regular straw.  A bad day? Well, it's kinda like breathing through a coffee stirrer.  If you ever want to experience the life of an asthmatic - try breathing through a straw for a few minutes.  It's exhausting!

I was on the elevator in the parking garage last night and a woman looked at me and asked "not to breath so loud".  Um...lady...I'm WHEEZING.  So sorry, but I have no control over that, mmkay?!  I choose to think that she's uneducated about asthma, not ignorant.  What?  I'm just nice like that!

Now, who wants to go to the movies or out to dinner so I can at least get out of the house?  :-)

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