

Scenes From A Commute

I spend A LOT of time in my car commuting back and forth to work.  Luckily, I really like my car - and have fun driving.  :-)

I have seen some WEIRD stuff lately though!  In the few weeks I have been witness to the following:

  • A week and a half ago - A driver with his left leg hanging out the window.  Yes, sir - I understand that your tall.  However, that's one party trick I don't need to see again!  I was afraid you were going to lose your leg when another car passed you.  (He wasn't really in danger of losing his leg...I just get nervous about that kind of stuff!)
  • Last Saturday - A black lab in the back of a pick-up truck.  Not tethered, not leashed, not buckled in - STANDING UP as his/her owner went barrelling down the highway.  Maybe I'm a bitch - but I view this as animal cruelty.  No one EVER intends for their beloved pet to get injured - but putting that pet in a position that increases the odds is COMPLETELY unacceptable to me.  Plus...I kinda think it's illegal in Massachusetts.  I'll have to research that.
  • Yesterday - Someone eating soup while driving home.  Not horrible...just weird!  And how do you not wear half your soup?  Do you steer with your knees so you can keep the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other?
  • Last Tuesday - A car coming from the opposite direction weaving in and out of traffic by the mall.  This driver was weaving and speeding so much that he/she lost control of the car and flipped over.  There is nothing at the mall that's worth almost killing yourself!
  • Today - Three motorcycles popping wheelies in the middle of rush hour traffic.  Dumb asses happened to do this for the third or fourth time after a large bend in the road - and right into the sight line of a state cop.  I laughed for a good five minutes as they got pulled over. (Yes, I'm mean!)
  • And the piece de resistance - last Thursday. Whilst sitting in traffic as I headed towards the Cape, I had the distinct pleasure *gag* of seeing a couple being intimate.  Sure, kiss and hug in the car.  That's your run of the mill PDA.  However, when my SUV looks down into your little red sports car and sees a bobbing head, you've crossed the line of acceptable behavior.  Um, hi!  It's light out!  You're engaging in a sexual activity in PUBLIC!  My lane of traffic moved faster than yours... at least 4 more cars had to pass you!  And finally - EWWWW!  Bring that car for a wash (inside and out) now-ish please!
So...see anything weird while driving lately?

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