

Our Kitchen Rules?

As any foodie TV watching Australian will know, My Kitchen Rules is showing from Monday - Wednesday evenings each week.

People encouraged me or my hubbie to enter MasterChef, and I have always said that I would never want to be on there, the pressure, the thinking on my feet faced with a mystery box of ingredients without my trusty copies of Delicious Magazine, it's just not for me and how I love to cook, but My Kitchen Rules, however, has spiked my interest a couple of times!

Pete Evans & Manu Feildel are the celebrity judges and I think they are great! In the past few weeks I've had a great experience with both of them! I was lucky enough to get up close and personal with Manu at the Sydney Taste Festival where he was showcasing his restaurant, L'Etoile, and his dish Slow Cooked Lamb (although we were wondering "where's the sauce?")! Pete from Hugos showed his generosity as I was campaigning for raffle prizes for an event this weekend I'm helping to organise, Live Love Laugh, (Sun 27th, 6pm at the Red Rattler in Marrickville, NSW - in case you can make it!) to raise money for St. Laurence House, a charity that helps homeless Sydney young people find their way. He donated copies of 4 of his fabulous looking books, signed and dedicated especially for the event! They both have showed me personally that they are great sports and I feel they're very encouraging and fair to the teams which is a great contrast to some other reality TV shows! So, I would love to have them to our home and cook for them.....

Twice now have I set myself a 3 hour timer to see if I could put up a 3 course meal that has enough creativity to delight Pete, and plenty sauce to please Manu, so the pressure wouldn't be an issue! I could even probably have beaten the Tasmanian couple's poor attempt at picnic food! In the end though my husband and I have a great system of not interfering in each other's cooking processes and I just don't think it would work! We might be a great team but not in the kitchen! We might give the competing a miss! That our friends would think to nominate us for either show is enough for us to already feel that our kitchen rules!

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