If you're a chocolate lover and at the same time want to lose weight, there is good news for you! You can, in fact, eat chocolate and lose weight! All you need to do is to eat the right type of chocolate, control what you eat, eating a balanced diet and exercise.
Here are some tips for staying healthy and fit while you continue eating your chocolate. Dark chocolate. Studies had show that dark chocolate contains plant flavonoids and antioxidants that optimize the functioning of your blood vessels and prevent clogged arteries. So, it's actually good for your heart and general health.Cocoa drinks. In fact, cocoa contains the properties that give dark chocolate its health benefits. Unsweetened cocoa powder in low fat or skim milk help to keep the flavor but with lesser fat or calories. Be mindful that milk can interfere with the absorption of antioxidants. If you love yogurt, just add some cocoa on it.Chocolate-flavored products minus the calories. A little indulgence in sugar-free chocolate flavored hard candies in can help keep you feeling contented, which will keep you from eating something else that's loaded with calories.Chocolate scented products. Using chocolate scented products like candles or lip balms may keep you contented without actually having to bite into it.Don't eat white and milk chocolates. In fact, the white one has no cocoa in it while the milk one has much lesser cocoa than the darker type.Limit your indulgence. Limit your chocolate treats to once a day. If you've had some chocolate cakes at the office, avoid the chocolate fudge brownies with your dinner. When you've had a chocolate-coated donut for breakfast, have fruits for dessert.Slow down your eating habit. Sit while you eat. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly before swallowing. By eating slowly, it'll also help you tell when you're full.Share desserts. When eating out, always go for smaller portion of desserts. If the portion is large, order just one and share it with your companion. It's good for the both of you.Give away gifts of chocolates. If you received a large varieties of them as Christmas presents or for your birthday, these may be too tempting for you not to have them all to yourself, especially if you're a chocolate lover. You can keep some of the dark ones and take the rest to the office to share with your colleagues or you may give them to your neighbors. All artisan chocolates should be eaten when fresh, but other varieties can be placed in the refrigerator for eating at some later dates.Buy individual truffles. Many bakeries and cake shops sell individual slices of cake. If you can't resist the temptation, you can buy just one slice to satisfy your craving.Count your calories. One 3½ ounces chocolate bar contains about 480 calories and one Hershey's Kiss has about 25 calories. Eating dark chocolate is healthy, no doubt, but you need to closely keep track of the amount you eat if you want to lose weight as calories can accumulate quickly.Replace junks with dark chocolate. One simple way is to replace junks with dark chocolate. Two Hershey's Kisses have a lot lesser calories than a packet of potato chips. And if you've had your chocolate treat for the day, you'll be more likely to eat other foods essential for a balanced diet.1. Regular exercise. Complement your healthy eating with regular exercise. Going through a round of aerobics daily is a good way to lose weight. Go for a walk or go cycle a bicycle. Look for ways to keep your body active throughout the day, like walking around your house while answering a call through your cordless phone. If you're a chocolate lover, remember to stick with dark type for its health benefits. But, be moderate and just have a little daily, and you'll never have to worry about gaining weight. Rate this ArticleAre You A Chocolate Lover? Here's How to Indulge and Lose WeightNot Rated YetRodny Chong has published 31 articles. Article submitted on June 02, 2013. Word count: 666

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