

Updates, Bullet Points and Whatnot...

I'm hauling out the bullet points...hang on, it's going to be a random post!
  • Meadow is getting better!  She's still on an assortment of meds, but I'm weaning off the pain pills.  Fingers crossed - she continues to get better and we don't have to battle the IVDD monster again for a long, long time.
  • Are mushrooms growing in your yard?  They are in mine!  Brady found one last Thursday and got really sick really quickly.  We went to our regular vet, who diagnosed him with mushroom toxicity and made me rush him to the emergency vet.  Lots of tests, pukies and a large vet bill later - I brought him home.  The boy is back to normal, just has a few more days of meds to protect his liver and kidneys from any residual side effects. {See...I knew fungus was bad!!}
  • Please tell me that I'm not the only one that can't wait until the election is over.  People are getting NASTY on Twitter and FaceBook!  I respect people's opinions...just wish that certain people thought before they spoke. Know where your candidate stands on issues that are important to you before you start the virtual mudslinging.  Or better yet - PLAY NICE!  Neither candidate is perfect.  You choose the one that you think will screw up the country the least... In related news - if you don't vote on election day, I don't want to hear you bitch for the next four years.
  • I've started trying to plan my fall TV viewing schedule.  Yikes, my TV/DVR is going to hate me!
  • Someone please remind me that leaving my knitting down where the twin terrors (aka Brady and Paisley) can reach it is a dumb idea.  :-)  I've only started the same cowl four times now!
  • My brother is winging his way down to Atlanta to see one of his Army buddies.  I'm so happy he's getting to go away for the weekend...but a little jealous.  I love his friend and wish I could see him (and his new puppy) too.
  • Time to start choosing September's book club selection.  The poll is in the top left corner... Vote please!  Oh, and if you read this month's book, link up with Mrs. Jones and I tomorrow!
  • Lack of responsiveness seems to be spreading like wildfire lately.  I have a handful of people that I keep following up with and they don't seem to like to respond to emails and/or voicemail.  How frustrating!  Has anyone else been experiencing this?!

OK...if you've made it to the end, you deserve a puppy picture! {Yep, these were already shared on Instagram, but you forgive me, right?!}

Paisley is learning how to drink from a straw.  Seriously.  Meadow does it all the time and is teaching her... Don't come to my house and think your drink is safe.
Brady, Paisley and Beckett are waiting for my parents to walk in the door.  Sure, they look calm...but this was taken about 30 seconds before they started barking and full-body wagging!

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