

You Did WHAT?!

Happy Monday!  I've had a few weird experiences this weekend.  Nothing earth shattering...just...WEIRD!
I've recently gotten involved with secret shopping.  It's easy, doesn't take too long and you earn a few bucks!  Sounds like fun, right?!

Friday I got an assignment for an area grocery chain.  As I'm walking into the store, it starts down pouring. No biggie.  So I look around and there are no carriages. An associate is loitering by the door, so I mention that I'm looking for a grocery cart.  Her response?  "If you want a cart, go back outside and find one."!  Seriously!

I later see the same associate in the bakery department, and watch as she opens a tub of store brand cookies, takes one, and re-closes the tub! I was horrified!

Of course, I report this during my secret shopping survey.  Which resulted in a 20 minute phone call with the company I "work" for.  *sigh* Who knows if they'll tell me the outcome...but I almost don't want to know.


Sunday I locked myself out of the house (with all the dogs and my Kindle) for just over an hour and a half.  Hi, my name is Cole and I'm an idiot.

At first, it was funny.  Then I realized that I didn't have my cell phone with me...and my only hope for a spare key was that either my parents or brother get on FaceBook so I can chat with them. {Bless my Kindle Fire and good wireless reception.}

By the time I broke in (and yes, I did have to break into my house), the dogs were whining and scratching at the door to get in. I was tearing up because it was really humid out and my asthma was bothering me... We were ALL thirsty! Not my finest hour (and a half)!

Sooo...who can recommend a good hide-a-key or number lock in case I do something stupid like this again? :-)

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